H.M.S. ‘Boadicea’ was a B class Destroyer. Built by Hawthorn Leslie & Co. (Hebburn-on-Tyne,
U.K.). Ordered 4th March 1929, laid down 11th July 1929, launched 23rd September 1930 and
commissioned 7th April 1931. In 1944, Boadicea was in the English Channel in support of the
Normandy landings as part of Operation Neptune. On the 6th June H.M.S. ‘Boadicea’ escorted
31 tank landing ships of the 8th Armoured Brigade. Arriving on the 7th in the Western Tank Force area.
On the 13th June she was returning to Milford Haven when she was attacked by a single German
Junker 88 aircraft, 12 nautical miles south-west of Portland Bill, Dorset. She was hit in the forward
magazine causing an explosion, and sunk in 3 minutes. 170 crew lost their lives 12 were rescued and
given vast quantities of rum.
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