the fth was operational – and you only got your wings after a
total of ve jumps, so I was not entitled – and for 63 years I have
been moaning to anybody who would listen because I thought it
was an injustice.”
Her “moaning” nally paid off when she was visited by Squadron
Leader Rhys Cowsill, a Parachute jump instructor from RAF
Cranwell who came to interview her about her wartime service.
He took up her cause after hearing the reason she had never
recieved her wings, and 63 years after her military service she
was presented with them.
Pearl and her husband settled in France after the war and had
one daughter Claire. Henri died in 1999, and Pearl passed away
at her retirement home near Tours in 2008.
“I don’t consider myself a heroine.
Not at all. I am just an ordinary person who did her
job during the war.”
7 BBC interview dated 11th April 2006, accessed 5th June 2024.