Pearl immediately signed up for work with the Air Ministry, with a
strong determination to do something for the war effort, joining the
Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. This was a popular recruiting ground
for the Special Operations Executive (SOE) - although the majority
of agents were men, women were used as wireless operators
or couriers as it was easier for them to move around occupied
territories without raising suspicion. Pearl pestered the recruiters
as she was desparate to play a part to defend France, and was
eventually recruited, ofcially joining the SOE on 18th June 1943.
She started her training immediately.
Training: Pearl was put through her paces doing all aspects of
training – eldcraft, map reading, security and parachute training.
Women were required to do one less jump than the men in training,
so three during practice and then the nal one being into the eld.
Some agents might return to the UK and then go back to France,
but Pearl was to stay there continuously so she never obtained
that fth jump, which was to cause issues later on.
She was part of party 27AA who trained at STS 5 (Wanborough
Manor near Guilford) commencing on 13th June 1943. It seems
she didn’t like one other member of the group, whoever No. 19
was (the agents were given numbers and false names) as this is
recorded in her training notes. She was described by her trainers
as “...the most sensible and intelligent member of this party.” Some
of the other comments of her instructors are somewhat amusing
when seen in light of her subsequent achievements:
“She is loyal and reliable but has not the personality to act as
a leader, nor is she temperamentally suited to work alone. She
would best be employed as a subordinate under a strong leader