road. From 16 May to 22 June the British and Indian troops pursued the
retreating Japanese and reopened the road. The battle ended on 22 June
when British and Indian troops from Kohima and Imphal met at Milestone
109, ending the Siege of Imphal. Military historian Robert Lyman said that
the battle of Kohima and Imphal “changed the course of the Second World
War in Asia… For the rst time the Japanese were defeated in a battle and
they never recovered from it”.
Walter had assumed his appointment as Brigade Major, Royal Artillery just
as the Division was ordered to move out to take part in the relieved of the
Imphal garrison. He oversaw the organisation of this move, and as the
regiments arrived in the area by rail, road and air, Scott-Plummer acted
as Staff Captain and Signal Ofcer on top of his own duties to ensure
it was successfully managed. The recommendation for commendation
records: “For a considerable period during the operations for the recapture
of KOHIMA and the clearing of the road to IMPHAL, he had to deal with two
extra Regts. He had to deal also with H.Q,R.A 7 Ind Div. for the coordination
of tasks, when this dividional artillery was supporting 7 Inf Div. as well as its
own division. Throughout the whole operations he set a very high standard
indeed, and his cheerful bearing at all times was an inspiriation to all who
camer in contact with him. I consider his work throughout to have been of
such as high order as to merit reward.” This is marked as for the period 16
Mary - 15 August 1944. (National Archives, WO 373/80/252)
Walter is buried at The TAUKKYAN WAR CEMETERY, the largest of the
three war cemeteries in Burma. It was begun in 1951 for the reception
of graves from four battleeld cemeteries at Akyab, Mandalay, Meiktila
and Sahmaw which were difcult to access and could not be maintained.
The last was an original ‘Chindit’ cemetery containing many of those who
died in the battle for Myitkyina. The graves have been grouped together at
Taukkyan to preserve the individuality of these battleeld cemeteries.