commanding the troop in November 1939.
His MC was awarded for his work was part of the BEF 25th May 1940
during the Belgium Campaign although no details of this have been found
as yet.
The citation for the bar to the Military Cross was following an action when
his unit were ghting in Greece, and the war diary records it as follows:
“On April 12th, 1941, when in command of a forward troop, maintained his
position about KLEIDE station although our infantry all around him were
falling back in considerable disorder owing to a serious enemy penetration
of the line in the adjoining sector. By his extreme courage and skilful handling
of his guns he inicted most serious casualties upon the advancing enemy,
and the gallant action of his troop saved what otherwise must have been
a disastrous situation. Throughout the operations in GREECE, April 1941,
this ofcer displayed leadership in its best form.” This was taken from the
war diary for 1st Armoured Brigade, April 1941. It was signed by Brigadier
HVS Charrington, M.C. (National Archives WO/373/27)
Walter’s OBE was awarded for service during the battle of Kohima, part of
the attempt by the Japanese to push into India. The Battle of Kohima proved
the turning point of the Japanese U-Go offensive into India in 1944 during
the Second World War. The battle was split into three stages between 4
April to 22 June 1944 around the town of Kohima. From 3 to 16 April, the
Japanese attempted to capture Kohima ridge, a feature which dominated
the road by which the besieged British and Indian troops of IV Corps at
Imphal were supplied. By mid-April, the small British and Indian force at
Kohima was relieved.
From 18 April to 13 May British and Indian reinforcements counter-attacked
to drive the Japanese from the positions they had captured. The Japanese
abandoned the ridge at this point but continued to block the Kohima–Imphal