as blacksmith. His medical examination recorded that he was 5 foot 5
inches in height, weighed 139 pounds and he had a chest measurement of
between 35½ and 37½ inches. His complexion was described as fresh, his
hair colour was brown and he had brown eyes. His physical development
was described as good.
He started his training at the Depot of the Royal Engineers at Chatham as a
Sapper, and his blacksmiths training was put to good use as he became a
shoeing smith.Thomas ransferred to 130th Field Company at Branksome,
on the 30/1/15. Embarked to join the British Expeditionary Force in France
on the 27/9/15. Suffered a gunshot wound to the right thigh, compound
fracture of the femur and became dangerously ill 17/10/16. Died of wounds
in theHe was transferred to 4th General Hospital, Dammes Camiers, France
on the 29/10/16 but died shortly afterwards of his injuries
The Unit diary for the date of his death records:
17 Oct-16 – X 7 a 32. The Company and 140 Infantry on communication
trench from R.21.d.13 to R.21.d.10 clearing and traversing. Company -?-
deepening and widening new communication trench from R.27.c.54. to
R.27.a.44. 90 Infantry at night dug communication trench from R.21.d.43.
to R.21.d.60. Pack pipes blown up at 5.45pm. Section of 105th ENGINEER
Company consolidated. It blew trench 8 foot deep and 25 foot wide at top,
far too big and giving no protection against shrapnel. Didn’t think it much
use except as a trench destroyer.