Life Story
Thomas came from an agricultural family - he was the son of John Henry
Beaver an agricultural labourer (born 1859 in Waltham on the Wolds), nd
his wife Ann Elizabeth Beaver (nee Swain). His parents had married in
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Thomas was born in 1888 in Lowesby,
Leicestershire. He had a number of older siblings - Emma Swain, born
1878 in Scalford, Mary Ann, born 1880, John William, born 1882, Samuel,
born 1884, George, born 1886 and Henry, born 1888. The latter four
siblings were all born in Lowesby as was Thomas. By April 1891 the family
had moved to Dalby Magna, Leicestershire. In March 1901 Thomas was
also recorded as being employed in agricultural work and the family were
living a the Grange, Leesthorpe, Pickwell, Leicestershire, together with his
father, a shepherd, his mother and siblings and a farm worker. In April 1911
Thomas had left the family home to work as a blacksmith, and had moved
tot Penn Street, Oakham, along with his new wife Mary Emma Beaver
(nee Buckley). The had married on the 14th March 1910 in Wing, Rutland,
where his wife was originally from. They had three children - Beatrice May,
born 8th August 1910 in Oakham, Meta Grace Ellen, born 24th October
1912 and Thomas William, born 28th July 1914.
Military Service
Thomas attested into the Army on a Short Service engagement on the 16th
January 1915 in Oakham. He gave his present home address as 2 Gas
Street, Oakham, his age as 26 years and 3 months and his trade or calling