In 1919 he was a member of RAOB (Buffaloes) Wimbome Lodge, Dowlais.
Sydney, Cassie and Edgar moved with younger brother Daniel and his family to
Askern, Yorkshire in about 1925, where the coalfields were expanding. They lived initially in Victoria
Road, then Avenue Road, and in 1928 they were living at 56 Green Lane, Askern.
Sydney’s father Daniel died on 31st January 1928 at the home of daughter Gertrude
and her husband Archie Cadle in Gellyfaelog Terrace. Pen y Darren.
In 1939 the family were still in Green Lane, Askern, Sydney and son Edgar worked at the
Askern Colliery as Chargers and Carbonisers in the Low Temperature Coke Ovens which made early
types of smokeless fuels.
At some time after 1939 the family moved a few miles away to Woodland where the Brodsworth
Colliery was much larger and was developing new seams. Sidney was a bull of a man and was
reputed to be the highest earner (hewing coal with a pick axe) , in those days of piece work at the
coal face especially when teamed with his son Edgar (who died in 1960 after collapsing “down the
pit where he was an Overman. They were known to have lived at 41 Fifth Avenue, Woodlands,
from at least 1945.
Height 5 ft. 8 1/2". Hair brown. Eyes brown. Needed glasses.
A bull of a man physically who did not suffer fools at all and was well known in the village.
Sydney died in on 17‘October 1964 in Woodlands near Doncaster Yorks.
Cassie died in 1963, after spending at least 10 years effectively housebound with what we would
now call brittle bone disease.