Life Story
Frederick Robinson was the son of John Robinson and his wife, of Belton,
Rutland. He was born on 5th May 1894 in Carlton, Bedfordshire. Fred was
a good athlete, having won an eight-mile cross country championship and
after arriving in France for military service, came rst in a championship
cross country race.
Military Service
Fred enlisted shortly after war was declared on 18th September 1914 with
the 6th Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment. He embarked for France on 29th
July 1915. Fred acted as a runner and observer to ofcers, a dangerous
job. He was killed by a shell at Fricourt Wood on 17th July 1916 during the
battle of the Somme. He was initially buried at Fricourt Cemetery, but after
the war his body was never recovered as the burial grounds were often
shelled and the graves destroyed. Fred is now remembered on the Thiepval
Memorial, Pier 3A, along with more than fty other men from Rutland