Children and Young Persons
We have no examples of best practice here yet - will you be the first to submit some content
or recommend somebody who will?
Here are some sources you may wish to look at in the meantime
NHS England
‘We are supporting CCGs to work with partners to build effective, evidence-based outcome-
focused Children and Young peoples Mental Health Services (CYPMHS), working in
collaboration with children, young people and families. Delivering this national ambition
requires local, system wide leadership and ownership, as well as the participation of
children, young people and their families. The Government has pledged £1.25billion by 2020
to support improvements in children and young peoples mental health and wellbeing, along
with £150million for eating disorder services’
The Children’s Society
Young people at risk
Vulnerable children and young people suffering extreme hardship, abuse and neglect are at
a high risk of developing long term mental health problems. This includes children and young
people who run away from home, those who are being sexually exploited and young
These young people often find it extremely difficult to get the right specialist help. They
struggle to get help from the NHS or don’t engage well with this type of clinical support. Left
unaddressed, mental health problems can severely limit the life chances of young people,
unless they get the support and care that they need.