Right to Erasure – Process documented including data disposal
Right to Data Portability – Process documented
Right to Object to Processing – Process documented
Right re automated decision making (profiling - Activity reviewed,
compliance assured, and process documented
Develop and implement a DPIA process
Complete/update your ‘Subject Access Request’ policy
Complete/update your ‘Data breach’ policy and procedures and
have this tested/reviewed periodically
Demonstrate adherence to ‘Privacy by design and by default’ with
DPIA documentation available where appropriate
Complete/update your Data Protection policies
Evaluate potential benefits of relevant BS/ISO/Cyber Essentials
standards and certifications
Corporate security policy in force and updated
Is the data safe? Review security protocols and tools for preventing
unauthorised access into your network including
Firewall configuration (ensuring passwords reset from
default settings)
Any open ports been reviewed
Malware, Ransomware and anti-virus software installed
and updated regularly
All patches applied within 14 days of release
All users have read and understood the Corporate Security policy
and all unnecessary or default user accounts have been deleted
Password security incorporates strong password protocols and are
changed regularly
Remove and disable any unnecessary software, services and
Identify and implement appropriate technical measures that make
PII only accessible to relevant employees
Consider encryption and pseudonymisation requirements
User privileges restricted to appropriate personnel
Conduct penetration testing and consider adherence to ‘Cyber
Essentials’ scheme
Review any file sharing capabilities, technologies and protection
systems ensuring compliance
Consider the use of automated tools for discovering, cataloguing
and classifying personal and sensitive personal data across your
Identify and review use of all data systems whether sanctioned or
not e.g. use of cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Box, and
other similar services (clarify sovereignty/residency)
Review use and synchronization of corporate data to cloud services
and from noncorporate devices e.g., personal mobile devices and
home computers