Board sponsorship with GDPR ‘champion’ appointed
Does a Data Protection Officer need appointing?
Create a project team supported by a cross functional task force
Develop and implement Board and employee training on data
protection and the new GDPR
Contact your legal support/ Supervisory Authority and make your
teams familiar with the relevant points of contact
Communication schedule outlining changes and revised approach
‘Best Practice’ focus group
Amendments to Role descriptions/Objectives
Any resource implications?
Conduct and map end-to-end data audit identifying:
What is held
Where it’s come from
Where it’s stored
Who its shared with (3
What you do with it
Demonstrate/record this audit
Ensure you are only collecting what is needed, deleting what is no
longer relevant
Review data being sent to Data Processors, third parties and
location the data is being sent to.
Ensure specific contractual terms in place for Data Processors with
audit reviews
Document all data processes (including actions for safeguarding
data) and data processing activities
Review and document lawful and legal basis for processing (update
privacy notice)
Review and redesign process for capturing, recording and noting
withdrawal of consent from Data Subjects
Establish appropriate practices for verifying Data Subjects’ age, and
where necessary, for gaining parental or guardian consent. Also
need a process for child to adult switch.
Review and update ‘Privacy Notices’ as may need to include, your
lawful basis for processing the data, data retention periods and to
complaint process
Right to Access – process documented (can they access there own
data online?)
Right to Rectification – process documented
Right to Restrict Processing – process documented